The origins of Love Nutrition

How was Love Nutrition born?
We are a couple of doctors who have ended up dedicating ourselves to the world of nutrition and fitness as a result of our own personal experience.
We both went through phases in our lives when our poor eating habits prevented us from fully enjoying our lives. We sensed that we were doing something wrong but (even as doctors) we were never fully aware of the extent to which food and exercise were influencing our health... until we lost it.
It was at that moment that we decided to take action and start taking care of ourselves but...How to do it?
Society is constantly bombarding us with thousands of different diets with flashy names ("dissociated", "colour",...), scientific names (Dukan, Montignac, Pronokal,...), fruity names ("pineapple", "artichoke",...) and products to help you lose weight (protein shakes, bars,...). Some of them have no scientific basis, others are not suitable for the majority of the population and what is worse: NONE adapts to our lifestyle and teaches us how to eat correctly.
We therefore started from the firm conviction that this has to be EASIER. We did NOT want to have the constant feeling of "dieting" and above all we wanted to avoid the "rebound effect".
Not finding a viable solution in any of these diets, we began to educate ourselves, search, read, ask, experiment and, above all, process and order the information. The answers appeared little by little and everything became easier: there were no "bad" or forbidden foods (the important thing is the amount of them you consume and if they adapt to your goals), we realised that the important thing is not to lose Kg...but to lose fat! (so forget about the scales...they are a bad advisor), and so on and so forth.
Whatever our objective is (to lose weight, define, gain muscle, reduce the symptoms of our illnesses,...) we have to be clear that We do NOT have to diet. Diets start and end, and while you are on them you have the constant feeling of repressing your impulses or eating things you don't feel like eating. So... what happens when we finish them? The answer is simple: sooner or later we will return to the starting point (and if the diet has not been correct, surely with more kilos).
The trick is to CHANGING OUR LIFESTYLE HABITS to be healthy. These modifications can be small or very large, but what is clear is that they must be personalised and adapted to our work, family, social and economic environment. Handing out the same 1500kcal menus to everyone is useless.
It is necessary to talk to people, to understand how they live and to look for ways to adapt nutritional and exercise habits to their needs. We also start from the conviction that people need to understand why they do things in order to become self-sufficient and maintain their new lifestyle habits over time.
If you are convinced that you need to change, contact us: we will help you to do it in the easiest way. That's right: there is no such thing as a "miracle" diet. Here you will not find "magic recipes" that will allow you to lose weight effortlessly. Motivation and perseverance are necessary to see results.
We guarantee that if you follow our advice you will get the results you want, we will help you change your habits and we will always be there to support you in the process. Would you like to love yourself more and join Love Nutrition?